Learn To Play the Drums

    We want to help people cultivate their relationship with music – elaborate

    We believe that students must have opportunities in their musical journey and grow at their own pace – what skills do drummers have? Persistance, Patience, Passion, Feel, Adaptability, Time Keeping, Active Listening.

    We believe that music lessons taught by experienced teachers should be affordable for every student. What is a good drum teacher? A well rounded teacher will have knowledge on a plethora of drumming topics so that they can impart the most accurate information possible onto their students. They will be passionate about what they do, to inspire their students to reach their maximum potential.

    Are good drummers hard to find? An experienced, educated Drum teacher is simply rare.

    Why are drummers so strong? Drums are one of the most physically demanding of all musical instruments. By playing them, we use the body’s muscle groups to deliver power, speed, endurance, and coordination over long periods of time.

    Are drummers good multitaskers? A skilled drummer will be able to maintain the tempo and keep the beat while also responding to the other musicians and the overall flow of the melodious. This requires a high level of multitasking and attention to detail, as well as excellent communication and leadership skills.

    Is drumming good for ADHD? Music is rhythm, rhythm is structure, and structure is soothing to an ADHD brain struggling to regulate itself to stay on a linear path.

    Do drummers have high IQ? As Rockmusicrevival.com reports, a study led by professor Frederic Ullen from the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm revealed that drummers who can easily keep rhythm are linked to having higher problem solving skills.


    Types of Music Lessons



    Students that own drum sets or instruments that cannot be transported can schedule their lessons at home if they desire.

    We offer a variety of styles between Latin, Punk, Rock, Metal, Funk, Jazz, and everything in between!


    Marching/Concert Percussion

    Taking band in school?  Do you want to get ahead?  We’re able to help you progress in every area of Western-Style Classical percussion. 


    Music Classes

    Lessons scheduled on a weekly basis  are for an hour or half-hour. Time slots are reserved for  students as stated in their agreement. 

    Ask about our family discount for more than one student. 

    Practice Sessions

    Bands can use our rehearsal area for practice. Sign up for a regular, weekly slot! Drumset, vocal amp, and cables provided.

    Tuning and Repairs

    • Drumset Tuning and Repair
    • Guitar Repair

    Music Lessons

    $30/half hr


    Modern Music and Classic Marching/Concert Percussion; Guitar and Bass Guitar classes are being offered.

    • Schedule a one half-hour, one on one session, per week for one student. Preferably for beginners and ages 8-10
    • Schedule a one hour, one on one session, per week for one student.  Preferably for students with prior experience with their choice of instrument, or beginning adults.

    Instruction for additional Classic instruments are coming soon.

    Follow Us
    Opening Hours

    Mon-Fri: By Appointment
    Sat-Sun: By Appointment


    Raleigh, NC